现实中的雨衣,功能性大于一切: 防水, 防风, 防潮。
Raincoat in reality prioritizes functionalities: water proof, weather proof and moisture proof.
Then what about the raincoat on a "rain" runway?
在下雨时,雨衣上显出绚丽的色彩, 是不是如同美丽的梦境一般?
With showers, raincoats blossom with splendid colour. Is it as beautiful as a good dream?
雨天怎能少了雨伞? 将雨伞的造型放入雨衣的设计中, 是不是又让你看到另一番美妙呢?
How come a raining day without an umbrella? The inspiration of umbrella is melted into the designing of the coat. Does it display a whole new scene to you?
简介:Project Runway 天桥骄子
天桥骄子是一档美国电视真人秀节目。才华横溢的设计师们,施展才华, 迎接各项挑战, 摘取桂冠并获得在纽约时尚周上开办个展的机会。
Project Runway is an American reality television series.Talented fashion designers showcase their skills as they compete in a series of challenges to win the coveted title and an opportunity to create a collection for the New York Fashion Week.